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Tag Archives: paper

DIY Bunting

DIY Bunting

These cute DIY buntings are perfect for any birthday, party, wedding or special occasion. Use fun bright colours and creative patterns to make any room more festive and fun. Try mini buntings for cake decoration! Plus they are very easy and cheap to make! All you need is: Decorative paper; scrapbook paper, craft paper, wall paper, wrapping paper or fabric. Thread ... Read More »

DIY Kids Playhouse

DIY Playhouse

With the holidays coming up, you may already be looking for holiday activites for your kids. These distractions can often be expensive, so why not build your own DIY Playhouse from scratch. Furnish it with cushions, snacks and their favourite games and why not ask the kids to help you decorate it? They are so easy to make, all you need is: ... Read More »

DIY: Mirror Frame

Diy mirror feature design

Got an old mirror that you want to spruce up? There are so many ways that you can give your mirror a makeover on the cheap. All it requires is a glue gun, paint and a bit of creativity. You can use all kinds of materials to redecorate your mirror, the most popular are; wood, shells, paint, glitter, paper and ... Read More »

DIY Party Favors: Paper Flowers

party favour paper flowers

Paper flower party favors are a great way to thank your guests. Ideal for a wedding or baby shower!Follow these easy steps to make your personalized party favors. Read More »

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