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Terms of use

Company details

In compliance with the provisions of the article 10 of the Act 34/2002, of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we provide the required details of the web’s owner www.handspire.com (hereinafter, the “Website”), and service provider:

  • Nombre o denominación social: ZONA VALUE S.L
  • Número de identidad o identificación fiscal: B98306228
  • Residencia o domicilio: Calle Colón, 4 5 B - 46004 Valencia
  • Dirección de correo electrónico: administracion(@)zonavalue.com
  • Datos inscripción en Registro Mercantil: Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Valencia. Tomo 9849. Libro 6771. Folio 64. Hoja V-149.162)

General Terms of Use

 The aim of these Terms of Use and Navigation (hereinafter, the “Terms”) is to govern the relation between the owner of the website, as a service provider, and the users who access, navigate and enjoy the offered services (hereinafter, named individually the “User” and collectively the “Users”).

The Website provides general information to the Users about their products and services (hereinafter, the “Content”) all accordingly to these Terms.

If the User continues navigating and using the services that we offer on our Website, these Terms of Use will be accepted without any restriction whatsoever.

The owner of the Website reserves the right of modification of the Terms whenever and at his/her own discretion, so we advise the User to check them occasionally.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

  • Content Rights

The owner of the Website possesses the right to exploit the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, including all the Content and elements (by way of example, texts, images, audio and videos) available on the Website, as well as those contents which are hosted in third-parties websites either because they are owned by him/her, or the owner obtained the appropriate rights to use them. In a similar way, the owner obtained the appropriate permissions regarding the right of publicity of those people appearing on the Website.

It is forbidden to reproduce, in whole or in part, to copy or to distribute the Content without the express permission from the owner. In no case the access and navigation of the User means a renunciation, transmission, licence and total or partial cession of the Website owner rights. In addition, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, transmit, use, process or distribute anyhow the entire or part of the Content and elements of the Website for public or commercial purposes if the owner did not granted express and written permission.

So, in accordance with the previous paragraph, the User is permitted to not only visualize but also to print, copy or download the Content and Website elements as long as these actions are for personal and private use.

It is also forbidden to use the owner contact details (address, email address) to send any type of commercial communication, unless it was previously granted in accordance with the applicable legislation.

  • Trademarks and associated logos

Trademarks included on the Website belong to their owners or third-parties who granted permission for their use on the Website.

Those who navigate on the Website are prohibited from using these trademarks, logos and distinctive signs without the permission of the owner or the license to use.


  • Website suspension 

The functioning of the Website depends on BSP servers connected with public and private communication infrastructures.

The owner of the Website shall make every effort to ensure its correct functioning. Nevertheless, it is not guaranteed the lack of website downtime due to technical reasons with the purpose of performing a repair and/or maintenance or solving coverage problems and failures on the devices and/or networks required for data transmission, which are out of the owner’s control.

Thus, the access to the Website may be suspended due to force majeure (unpredictable causes or which are predicted but unavoidable) such as those ones included below but not limited to:

  1. Electricity supply or telephone network failures.
  2. Virus attacks to the servers hosting the Website.
  3. User errors during the access to the Website.
  4. Fires, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
  5. Strikes or labour conflicts.
  6. Military conflicts and other force majeure situations.

The owner of the Website shall not be liable for any of the circumstances aforementioned.

  • User Responsibility

The User shall use the Website of his/her own accord and risk. By accessing to the site, the User is liable to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and ethical principles as well as the conditions included in this Terms of Use.

A failure of a condition included within these Terms or a failure to comply with the applicable legislation shall render the User to be responsible for any loss or damage to the owner of said Website or any third-parties due to such failures aforementioned, regardless of if an illicit act, an administrative penalty, a fault or an offence have arisen, and shall give the right to the owner of the Website, when appropriate, to claim responsibility for it in the pertinent civil, administrative, labour or criminal jurisdiction.

  • Owner Responsibility

The owner of the Website shall not be liable for any damage caused by the User or third-parties as a result of a compliance failure attributable to the User, or for any disruption in the User’s device.

Additionally, the owner shall not assume responsibility for any damage caused by computer virus or whatever its origin is, the misuse of the Website by the User or any security errors caused by an incorrect functioning of the devices used by the User.

  • User Obligations

At no time shall not the User modify, change or delete any data, information, content or element included on the Website.

The User shall use the provided services diligently, correctly and lawfully, and he/she shall not disseminate, in no way whatsoever, any racist, pornographic, xenophobic content or propaganda or that supports criminal, violent or degrading acts against people and fundamental rights.

The User shall not send any software, virus, malware or any other harmful agent to the computer systems which may damage or disrupt the devices of the company or the rest of Users.

The User shall be the sole liable for damages that may arise from failing to comply the conditions and obligations appearing within these Terms.

The User is prohibited from transmitting, including or disseminating advertisements neither of himself or herself nor of third-parties by any way available on our Website without the express permission from the owner.


Links to other sites appearing on the Website and operated by third-parties are merely informative. The owner of the Website does not develop or manage such sites and he/she is not the owner of the URL aforementioned unless an express indication is provided. Thus, the owner shall not be liable for the content appearing in them, or the damage or loss arising with the access or from the provided services.

The owner of the Website permits the use of links and hyperlinks from other websites. Nevertheless, whoever decides to establish a link between his/her website and the Website shall respect the following conditions:

  1. The website where the link will be established shall not include illegal information or content against moral, customs, public order or whatever third-party rights.
  2. It shall not be stated or given to understand that the owner of the Website granted express permission for the link or supervises, assumed or recommended anyhow previously the services provided on the website which establishes the link with the Website. Thus, it is recommended whoever navigates the Website to be very prudent in the valuation and use of the information, content and services appearing on the linked sites.
  3. The link establishment does not imply in any case the existence of relation between the owner of the Website and the owner of the website where the link aforementioned is included.

Personal Data Protection

The owner of the Website undertakes to handle the personal data of the User in according to the provisions of the current legislation regarding this matter. Specifically, the owner agrees to apply the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December on Personal Data Protection, the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 19 January, approving the LOPD development regulation. and the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016.

All the information regarding this matter can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Applicable Legislation

The relations established between the User and the owner of the Website will be governed by the provisions of the current legislation regarding the applicable regulation and the competent jurisdiction, the laws of the Spanish legal system being applicable.

In those cases in which a voluntary submission to a particular jurisdiction is possible, the owner of the Website and the User, renouncing deliberately any other jurisdiction, shall submit to the Court of Valencia.

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