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Potato salad recipe

Potato salad recipe

Potato salad recipe is one of the most simple and easy-to-learn salad recipes; Potato salad is also of high nutrition thanks to the contribution of potatos which makes it  popular among different age groups. (Click here for all the recipes on Handspire!)

Today Handspire presents you one of the classic way to make yourself a bowl of yummuy potato salad to enjoy a creamy taste 0f potato mixed with rich mayonnais sauce! Serve it as antipasto will definitely add some credits to your table!

Try to learn this classic potato salad recipe by your own!



Potato salad

Por Wenyi Publicado: March 3, 2014

  • Resultado: serves 2
  • Preparación: 15 min

Prepare this classic antipasto salad by your own!



  1. Boil the egg and poptato, peel them and wait them to cool down.
  2. Dice the potatos and the onion, and chop the egg.
  3. Mix the egg, onion and potato together in a bowl and add all the condiments.
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