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DIY Paper basket

DIY Paper basket

Don't throw away your old magazines... Recycle them!

We all have a stack of used magazines collecting dust and instead of putting them into the garbage take a little time out and make a DIY paper basket. Recycled papercrafts are becoming increasingly popular as they are helpful for the environment and the colourful, high quality pages from magazines make for an amazing result.

Take a look at these images for inspiartional storage ideas...

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diy paper basket diy paper basket diy paper basket diy paper basket

Check out this video to learn how to do a basic paper weave basket

DIY Paper weave basket

diy paper basket

Por natalie Publicado: October 15, 2013

    Don't throw away your old magazines... Recycle them! We all have a stack of used magazines collecting dust and instead of putting …



    1. You need to collect the individual sheets of newspaper or magazine pages and fold them to make long thin strips. Fold them in half and continue doing so until they are the size you want for your basket.
    2. When you have accumulated about a 100 or so strips of paper you can begin to weave. Start with just 4 and staple or glue into place and then add more around the outside. Staple or glue as you go along to keep the shape.
    3. To build the walls of the basket simply position the strips upward and weave more strips through these. If your strips need to be extended just glue or staple another onto the end.
    4. Once you have finished weaving cut off the excess strips, fold over and secure with glue or staples to obtain a clean edge.
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