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Pallet Furniture

Pallet Furniture

Making Pallet furniture has been a decoration trend that every time it attracts more followers. Even though the main function of pallet is transporting goods, its rectangular form and the capacity of fitting each other open the possibility to use them in home decor. Not only they creat an atmosphere of vintage and rustic but also very economical. You can convert the recycled pallet to table, armchair, chair and bed frame, or combine them with your interior decoration, like a flowerpot, or use them as the fence for your vegetable patch, as the exterior decorationRecycled pallet and wooden box allows us to creat a personal atmosphere for the furniture and with a low cost. Here we have the ideas for pallet furniture and tutoriols for make our own furniture step by step together with some  decoration tips.

Pallet Types

Palets madera


Wooden pallet

For the decoration, the wooden pallet is strongly recommended as it is very easy to find in daily life, besides, it is also can be bought with a cheap price and much easier to work with it for the furniture and decoration.


Palets plásticoPlastic pallet

If you want to have a garden decorated with pallets or exterior decoration with them, it is suggested better to use the plastic one since they have a better resistent ability against the rain and the wind effect. Besides, can also help to save some tree resource. When it comes to the time of moving, its weight is also lighter than the wooden ones and easier to manage.

Working process of Pallets

Palets reciclarPallet recycling

The pallet is a stuff used to transport many types of things. Sand down its legs, applicate a layer of varnish and disinfectant are the several recommended steps which need to be down before really start making furnitures with them.

 Palet desmontadoDismantle the Pallet

Most old pallets we need to dismantle them before we make furnitures with them. It seems to be an easy task but many pallets have  splinter which may hurt us; it is better to wear suitable shoes and gloves, use a hammer which works efficient and cut nails that are too long.

Where to get pallets

You can buy them from a manufacturer, but you can easily get them for free as well. The only thing you need to do is paying a visit to some fruit shops, clothing shops, supermarket or where the people work with building materials. If you ask them for the pallets, normally they give you without problems. You can also visit the local industries at closing hours and collect the pallets which is going to be abandoned.

Decoration with pallets

If you are bored with your interior decoration or think it is not that original, why don´t you try furnitures with recycled pallets?  With a little bit of time, cleverness and enthusiasm we can construct our own rooms with sustainable materials and save money. We offer you with tutorials about how make this style´s furnitures. Take a look at the ideas of decoration which we suggested on Handspire.

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